Susan Greyling

When you sometimes become lonely or long for memories gone by, you will find satisfaction in the art of Susan Greyling. The paintings of Susan, educated as an Art teacher, depicts women and children in warm glowing colours and rich textures. Her lascivious bar girls made her famous and once seen, also made them famous. A sense of warmth and a feeling of nostalgia is part and parcel of her figures. The fullness of her creations and the simplicity of her art culminates in balanced beauty seldom to be found anywhere else.She see’s things different to us and she is different. Any woman that can make potato peeling look like a pasionate tango, must have warm blood in her veigns. Sy put inspirasie uit beeldskone, vurige vroue. Vir Susan is hulle nie net mooi nie…hulle het daai ietsie anders wat ‘n vrou so spesiaal maak. Sy meen dat sy regte vrouens skilder, vrouens met emosies en hormone. Vrouens wat sensueel en sterk is, en bowenal romanse in hulle siele het.