Ryan Loubser

Ryan Loubser was born in 1977. He took art until matric and won the matric prize for practical art in 1995. He studied graphic design at Pretoria Technikon where he achieved a distinction for painting in his first year under the guidance of Danie de Wet, Lynette Ten Krooden, Carl Jeppe and Annette Pretorius.After obtaining his diploma in graphic design, Ryan worked for a few months in the field, after which he started a small arts and crafts business. While running his business, Ryan did wildlife paintings, mainly of the big five. He changed his theme to everyday South African scenes from which he drew inspiration from his favourite South African artists such as Pierneef, Boonzaier, Wenning, Rose-Innes and Boshoff. His workIn 2007 Ryan had become so consumed by his painting that before he knew it, he had accumulated enough work to hold his first ever exhibition. The exhibition was a complete success and all the work was sold out entirely. Ryan closed his business and since then he has been painting full time. Ryan's favourite mediums to work with are oil paint and pastels. However, he has alo worked with watercolour, etchings and pencil.His work has found its way into many major galleries and into private collections both local and abroad.