Published 01 February 2019 in Publications
Alice Pretorius
Last year has been an exceptional year in the art market. Alice Art Gallery does not look at short term trends and our relationships both with artists and clients are based on long term relationships and sound investments.
That being said I like to look at both auction and galery sales at the end of each year. As with any business, past trends does influence future trends.
When these trends align with our long-term goals it is the start of a great period ahead.
To e publications by Frank Kilbourn, Strauss & Co Chairman, are always compact, clear and insightful. Last year again, has had some new world record sales by auction houses and shown significant growth for South African artists.
At Alice Art Galery we have had a strong year and seen some interesting new developments from both artists and clients.
Our more traditional and impressionistic art pieces by artists such as Adriaan Boshoff, Frans Claerhout, Errol Boyle, Otto Klar and Hennie Niemann, has truly resonated with the market.
We attached the established clients with more serious and investment work, while creating an aticipation with our growing young market.
It is undeniable that our more modern but established artists has once again been well received by both our established clients and the new younger generation starting with their collections.
To highlight a few artists whose work really sold well include Grace da Costa, Michael Heyns, Wakaba Muteki, Portchie, Derric van Rensburg and Isabel le Roux.
At the same time, we cannot wait to see how the new or rather new to our gallery artists will perform this year. We had some exciting sales and met an increasingly new younger client base that are really attracted to these artists.
They are impating the gallery strongly with new influences and ideas.
The artists we are looking forward to catapulling this year include Phemo, Lee Templeton, Joyce Carreira and Frances Wedepohl.
Alice Art Gallery is turning 29 this year. We have grown the establishment one day at a time with sound business and ethical principals and as always not a day goes by without thanking God who remains in control - we operate in His grace and favour.